When I first met Dan I was in a place where I wasn’t enjoying my work, I was exhausted from feeling that I couldn’t seem to progress and was facing a future that really didn’t inspire me at all.
Having completed six months of coaching with Dan it has been very successful. It’s not always been easy, it’s been challenging and yet while also very rewarding, it’s been brilliant.
It’s changed how I look at things, I now look at things in a positive way. Instead of seeing only the negatives, I’m now able to see the opportunity and all the good that can come of what I do.
I have now also created a way earning money by doing what I really love doing and am left feeling very inspired about my future. I'm now on my 5th program in a row with Dan because I keep getting such great results.
~ Kim Nicol (Lawyer & Senior Partner at Workplace Legal Solutions) ~
Testimonials about Dan's coaching . . .
Testimonials about Dan's coaching . . .

Before I started being coached by Dan I was procrastinating and avoiding doing what I really needed to do to succeed. I was comfortably 'getting by' with word-of-mouth clients. I wanted more but my comfort zone was getting too comfy.
I have lots of experience in the PR and publishing sector but I didn't want to be in an employed position and needed more from my self-employed position. I wanted to become a coach to help authors get published and their books selling with PR strategies, I wanted to reach and help more people.
Within only 6 weeks of working with Dan, I've learned all the Facebook strategies I need, set up my coaching business, ended up being featured in Forbes magazine and landed my first £5,000 client.
I already have many calls booked for more possible clients. I can't believe how fast Dan's enabled me to get such results. I'm loving it and I can tell that this is just the start for me.
If you want to either get started in business, or need a boost to an existing business, call Dan!
I can't thank Dan enough. I have worked with some top coaches over the years - but Dan tops them all. His integrity, clarity, kind and supportive (but no-nonsense taking) manner and masses of experience make him second-to-none.
~ Elaine Harrison (Executive PR Company Founder) ~

Before receiving coaching from Dan I was just getting things 'done' but not really accomplishing anything. I felt like I was the hamster on a wheel just endlessly spinning and running.
I learned Dan’s way of planning which improved all aspects of my life and above all gave me the ability to see exactly what my target is. This has helped me arrange my thoughts and actions to precisely align with my goals and his planning strategy of which, I’m still using today.
Apart from improving virtually every area of my life the biggest result I got from Dan’s coaching was selling my business for the sum of money I always wanted, which I had tried to achieve for several years before.
Dan helped me realise the difference between change versus transformation which thereby enabled me to take new actions and gain such great results.
Dan’s coaching helped me realign my vision, set new goals and to achieve them, for real.
~ Lana Sheppard (Accountancy Business Owner) ~

Skill set is like armour and weapons to be equipped, but mindset is the determination and fiery belief to win and mindset is what we find a lot of people lacking.
Without the right mindset, it's hard for you to win a game even if you have the most legendary armour and weapons at your disposal.
That's why we decided get Dan to join our mentorship team to help transform our clients business and life.
Dan understands how to bring out the core competence of an entrepreneur, let them realise their "inner strength" instead of chasing for the "outer strength".
So we packaged his coaching together with our existing programs, and made it a compulsory component for our clients to go through, and this has worked magically for us!
We find those people who have gone through Dan's coaching being a lot more committed, more focused, and overall a better client that is easier to work with.
This has helped to increase our team's productivity, and shaped the community that we have been building into a more positive environment.
~ Chris Chen (Business Mentor & Entrepreneur) ~

Skill set is like armour and weapons to be equipped, but mindset is the determination and fiery belief to win and mindset is what we find a lot of people lacking.
Without the right mindset, it's hard for you to win a game even if you have the most legendary armour and weapons at your disposal.
That's why we decided get Dan to join our mentorship team to help transform our clients business and life.
Dan understands how to bring out the core competence of an entrepreneur, let them realise their "inner strength" instead of chasing for the "outer strength".
So we packaged his coaching together with our existing programs, and made it a compulsory component for our clients to go through, and this has worked magically for us!
We find those people who have gone through Dan's coaching being a lot more committed, more focused, and overall a better client that is easier to work with.
This has helped to increase our team's productivity, and shaped the community that we have been building into a more positive environment.
~ Chris Chen (Business Mentor & Entrepreneur) ~
"I was working too many hours and not having enough time nor the capacity to create the life that I wanted. A life where I work less and earn more.
You simply can’t put a price on the insight I have gained! Dan quickly made me realise my self-worth and stopped me from undervaluing myself.
As a result of Dan’s coaching I’ve earned nearly 50,000 dollars in less than a month.
In the short time that I’ve had the pleasure of being coached by Dan, I gained the confidence to live the life that I have always dreamed of.
I’ll be forever grateful.
~ Dan Kayser (Body Posture Specialist) ~

“I completed a one-to-one coaching programme with Dan and the greatest result I got was setting goals with the belief that I could actually attain them, instead of just ‘hoping’.
Because of this I gained positive results such as the chance to work with some of the world's most valuable intellectual property, top on screen talent as well as members of the Royal Family.
Dan as a coach is an expert in drawing out what you need to change and understand about your life and career - he doesn’t tell you what to do, he guides you to create goals that feel 100% your own and structures to tangibly realise them.
Dan is great at leaving you feeling empowered and taking action that achieves truly amazing things.
~ Stef Jarman (Brighton, UK) ~
Dan completes delivering 5 transformational coaching sessions to participants in the Next Level program that's hosted by Sean Seah the famous Singaporean multi millionaire.
Listen to what they experience from this one session with Dan.

Before I started being coached by Dan I was procrastinating and avoiding doing what I really needed to do to succeed. I was comfortably 'getting by' with word-of-mouth clients. I wanted more but my comfort zone was getting too comfy.
I have lots of experience in the PR and publishing sector but I didn't want to be in an employed position and needed more from my self-employed position. I wanted to become a coach to help authors get published and their books selling with PR strategies, I wanted to reach and help more people.
Within only 6 weeks of working with Dan, I've learned all the Facebook strategies I need, set up my coaching business, ended up being featured in Forbes magazine and landed my first £5,000 client.
I already have many calls booked for more possible clients. I can't believe how fast Dan's enabled me to get such results. I'm loving it and I can tell that this is just the start for me.
If you want to either get started in business, or need a boost to an existing business, call Dan!
I can't thank Dan enough. I have worked with some top coaches over the years - but Dan tops them all. His integrity, clarity, kind and supportive (but no-nonsense taking) manner and masses of experience make him second-to-none.
~ Elaine Harrison (Executive PR Company Founder) ~

Dan’s coaching got me into action, and I have already done things that I have wanted to do for years such traveling across South America and climbing mountain Kilimanjaro as well as enabling me to take my property business to new heights.
~ Kevin Shah (Property Investor) ~
"I was working too many hours and not having enough time nor the capacity to create the life that I wanted. A life where I work less and earn more.
You simply can’t put a price on the insight I have gained! Dan quickly made me realise my self-worth and stopped me from undervaluing myself.
As a result of Dan’s coaching I’ve earned nearly 50,000 dollars in less than a month.
In the short time that I’ve had the pleasure of being coached by Dan, I gained the confidence to live the life that I have always dreamed of.
I’ll be forever grateful.
~ Dan Kayser (Body Posture Specialist) ~

Before receiving coaching from Dan I was just getting things 'done' but not really accomplishing anything. I felt like I was the hamster on a wheel just endlessly spinning and running.
I learned Dan’s way of planning which improved all aspects of my life and above all gave me the ability to see exactly what my target is. This has helped me arrange my thoughts and actions to precisely align with my goals and his planning strategy of which, I’m still using today.
Apart from improving virtually every area of my life the biggest result I got from Dan’s coaching was selling my business for the sum of money I always wanted, which I had tried to achieve for several years before.
Dan helped me realise the difference between change versus transformation which thereby enabled me to take new actions and gain such great results.
Dan’s coaching helped me realign my vision, set new goals and to achieve them, for real.
~ Lana Sheppard (Accountancy Business Owner) ~
Here is your opportunity

Dan’s coaching got me into action, and I have already done things that I have wanted to do for years such traveling across South America and climbing mountain Kilimanjaro as well as enabling me to take my property business to new heights.
~ Kevin Shah (Property Investor) ~

Dan's process has helped motivate me into action, working smarter and not harder. As a result, I am confidently specializing in my area of passion around diabetes and hormone work.
~ Lucy McCrickard (nutritionist) ~

Dan's process has helped motivate me into action, working smarter and not harder. As a result, I am confidently specializing in my area of passion around diabetes and hormone work.
~ Lucy McCrickard (nutritionist) ~

The coaching I received from Dan has profoundly changed my life.
Before I received his coaching I was subconsciously in fear of succeeding yet I had no idea that this fear was subconsciously dictating me to actually avoid success.
I was conflicted when making crucial decisions about the direction of my business. I had a lot of self-doubt and I was uncertain of my own abilities which prevented me from making the right decisions or taking effective action.
The coaching I received from Dan was a deeply transformational experience for me. During one session, he enabled me to become aware of the root cause of my self-doubt and of the subconscious fear I had of becoming successful.
He then skilfully enabled me to become aware of the interpretations I’d made up about my self and the limitations vanished as I saw they where simply not true.
Now I am aware of when I am avoiding success so I can instead take actions that are powerful and effective in achieving my business objectives.
As a result I have now effectively expanded my business and closed a series of deals which has now set me on track for a level of success that prior to receiving his coaching may never have become possible for me.
~ Alex Cudy (Founder and chief executive of Cudy Pte Ltd) ~

Skill set is like armour and weapons to be equipped, but mindset is the determination and fiery belief to win and mindset is what we find a lot of people lacking.
Without the right mindset, it's hard for you to win a game even if you have the most legendary armour and weapons at your disposal.
That's why we decided get Dan to join our mentorship team to help transform our clients business and life.
Dan understands how to bring out the core competence of an entrepreneur, let them realise their "inner strength" instead of chasing for the "outer strength".
So we packaged his coaching together with our existing programs, and made it a compulsory component for our clients to go through, and this has worked magically for us!
We find those people who have gone through Dan's coaching being a lot more committed, more focused, and overall a better client that is easier to work with.
This has helped to increase our team's productivity, and shaped the community that we have been building into a more positive environment.
~ Chris Chen (Business Mentor & Entrepreneur) ~

The coaching I received from Dan has profoundly changed my life.
Before I received his coaching I was subconsciously in fear of succeeding yet I had no idea that this fear was subconsciously dictating me to actually avoid success.
I was conflicted when making crucial decisions about the direction of my business. I had a lot of self-doubt and I was uncertain of my own abilities which prevented me from making the right decisions or taking effective action.
The coaching I received from Dan was a deeply transformational experience for me. During one session, he enabled me to become aware of the root cause of my self-doubt and of the subconscious fear I had of becoming successful.
He then skilfully enabled me to become aware of the interpretations I’d made up about my self and the limitations vanished as I saw they where simply not true.
Now I am aware of when I am avoiding success so I can instead take actions that are powerful and effective in achieving my business objectives.
As a result I have now effectively expanded my business and closed a series of deals which has now set me on track for a level of success that prior to receiving his coaching may never have become possible for me.
~ Alex Cudy (Founder and chief executive of Cudy Pte Ltd) ~

I had a coaching session with Dan and it was epic! My world has changed immeasurably–it gave me a life-changing breakthrough.
I have experienced massive, elevated growth. It has created a ripple effect through every aspect of my life–my health, wellbeing, relationships, finances and creativity at work have all improved.
Before receiving Dan's coaching I was doing OK but felt that there was something I was struggling to shift within myself. Each day dragged into the next and it was like I was on a merry-go-round of repeating patterns and experiences. With hindsight, I can see I had some deep-seated beliefs that were blocking my potential.
The greatest result since receiving Dan's coaching was that my level of motivation, inspiration and productivity has gone sky high! I've been getting these light bulb moments, more than ever, and just acting on them. I'm finding I’m no longer worrying about how I'm going to fit everything in, I recognise I’m in the flow and I just act. It's bringing me so much joy. I am eternally grateful to you, Dan.
~ Sharon Halliday (mother, author & Podcast host) ~

With Dan's coaching I discovered that I was holding back from my dreams and that I was driven by fear of failure. This was very clear, deep and confronting.
Now what is possible for me is, I can see what my ‘negative core beliefs’ were keeping me in the past. Now I'm left feeling excited and ready for this year. I know I have the capabilities and the only limitation, is me.
I feel free of my past, ready to kick of the old boots for some shiny new ones.
Thanks Dan, your insight has been very helpful and I highly recommend your service to others.
~ Laura Mann (Recruitment Agency Director) ~
Your future doesn't need to remain predictable

I've just completed a coaching program with Dan and it's been fantastic.
He gave me the support and guidance I needed to propel me in the direction I always really wanted to go in.
Before Dan's coaching I was doubting my skills and my abilities which caused me to be stuck in an employment position I didn’t want. I was lacking the courage to take the leap of faith to follow my dream which was to open my own high profile restaurant.
Through receiving Dan’s transformational coaching he enabled me to see the ways of thinking that limited me, to recall memories of where these feelings first came from, then to literally break free of this old way of thinking. It’s left me feeling incredibly free and inspired ever since.
From there I’ve been able to take actions I never imagined I ever could.
As a result I've managed to restructure my usual work commitments so now I work less hours and am able to focus on what I really want to do. I’ve now also completed my business plan and am ready to pitch to investors to gain the capital I need to open my first restaurant and make my dream come to life.
Not only this but I’ve got a new fitness routine and my health is now also so much better. I’ve also left social circles that where draining me, I’ve made new friends and become even closer to my family.
All I can say about Dan is that what he does is fabulous and that I only have these amazing results because of receiving Dans coaching.”
~ Lolita P George (Founder and Director of Lolita’s Restaurant) ~

I’ve nearly completed a one on one coaching program with Dan and it's been life changing for me.
I have attended so many different personal development and business courses yet it was Dan who quickly navigated me through becoming ever more aware of the root cause of my limitations and then to completely vanish them. I’m left feeling so free now.
The greatest result I got was finally trusting myself to take the leap of faith to start my own coaching practice and I’m now starting to support and empower women in the corporate world.
It’s only because of Dan’s coaching that I’ve now been able to fully commit to creating my dream lifestyle as an empowerment coach for women.
Dan believed in me and always pointed out to me what he saw was great in me, this has empowered me very much. As I work with Dan he is always there to support me whenever I need him yet he never violates his own boundaries which is another thing I also learned to do.
What I'm looking forward to now is to grow my coaching business and to serve my clients the way Dan served me. In fact I’ve chosen to commit to another one on one program with Dan because I know that with his guidance that I’ll create even more amazing results.
All I can say about Dan’s coaching is it's very customised and in flow with whatever your needs are. You will feel he has a good heart, he’s very experienced, professional, authentic and skilfully on point every time.
~ Mina Golkar (Relationship Coach for Women in the Corporate Sector) ~
One year later, hear about Anna's experience of receiving Dan's coaching.
Few coaches can boast that their coaching was so effective that the client still feels such extraordinary results a year after receiving coaching.
~ CEO of Anna’s Gardens & Eco Futurist ~

I had a coaching session with Dan and it was epic! My world has changed immeasurably–it gave me a life-changing breakthrough.
I have experienced massive, elevated growth. It has created a ripple effect through every aspect of my life–my health, wellbeing, relationships, finances and creativity at work have all improved.
Before receiving Dan's coaching I was doing OK but felt that there was something I was struggling to shift within myself. Each day dragged into the next and it was like I was on a merry-go-round of repeating patterns and experiences. With hindsight, I can see I had some deep-seated beliefs that were blocking my potential.
The greatest result since receiving Dan's coaching was that my level of motivation, inspiration and productivity has gone sky high! I've been getting these light bulb moments, more than ever, and just acting on them. I'm finding I’m no longer worrying about how I'm going to fit everything in, I recognise I’m in the flow and I just act. It's bringing me so much joy. I am eternally grateful to you, Dan.
~ Sharon Halliday (mother, author & Podcast host) ~

Before receiving Dans transformational coaching I was in a situation where I was fearing public speaking in front of a large audience.
Dan, through his skilful transformational coaching enabled me to see where the fear was coming from; a past event where I’d invented a way of viewing my self and the world that no longer served me.
As a result I broke free of this past way of thinking and was able to take completely new actions. After only one session with Dan, I went on to say ‘yes' to new opportunities and as a result I closed new business opportunities to greatly advance my business missions.
I can’t recommend what Dan does highly enough, it’s profoundly transformational.
~ Cindy Nguyen (CEO and Co-Founder of Regit) ~
Choose a time that works for you
The trainings I was going through, the resources, there where so many books that had literally wasted a lot of my time, energy and money. In totality it would have cost me a lot more than the one course with Dan actually speaking.
I ended up facing the same thing again and why is that? So that was really depressing me.
I had insights from Dan, after the program I see a remarkable change within myself. On the whole this program is very practical, it is no nonsense. Today I have resigned my job, I’m very happy because I made confident choice and it is my choice, now I feel very, very empowered.
Each week was very transformational. Every week I had challenges and I had transformed and I was like. “Oh my God. This is . . . this is excellent.” I have no words.
I am actually so excited about what is going to come for me for my life from this step. It feels very, very liberating. Thank you for this program.”
~ Priya Anbazhagan ~
I have just completed a 12 week transformational coaching course with Dan and it’s been truly transformational for me.
Twelve weeks ago I was struggling and didn’t have a work and life balance.
Now, I’ve gained a whole series of insights which have left me enjoying great satisfaction in both my work performance and in my lifestyle.
Before I was very critical of my self and others which made me very difficult to work with but now I’ve learned to be gentle on my self and with others.
Also I’ve now learned to effectively listen to others and the staff I manage.
As a result my leadership skills are much greater and have been able to effectively inspire my teams in to taking actions that have elevated my companies performance in various departments around the world.
I’ve also begun earning money by forex trading which is something I’d procrastinated from starting for over a year.
I’ve also begun developing my online website and writing my blog which is something I aimed to have started within two years yet I’ve realised that I’ve already fulfilled this within just these twelve weeks.
As a result, I highly recommend other business focused people work with Dan to experience what I have because my life has really transformed.
I am now living a truly satisfying lifestyle while also enjoying greater financial and leadership success.
~ Nicky (Success Resources International Marketing Manager and CEO assistant) ~

Before receiving Dans transformational coaching I was in a situation where I was fearing public speaking in front of a large audience.
Dan, through his skilful transformational coaching enabled me to see where the fear was coming from; a past event where I’d invented a way of viewing my self and the world that no longer served me.
As a result I broke free of this past way of thinking and was able to take completely new actions. After only one session with Dan, I went on to say ‘yes' to new opportunities and as a result I closed new business opportunities to greatly advance my business missions.
I can’t recommend what Dan does highly enough, it’s profoundly transformational.
~ Cindy Nguyen (CEO and Co-Founder of Regit) ~
Before I worked with Dan I was broke, not just financially, my emotional bank balance was very negative and it’s because I was struggling with my business.
After working with Dan for a few months my income is up, my love life is up and my happiness is up way more and it’s because I’ve got lots confidence approaching conversations, approaching proposals, knowing that I can create the income that I want rather than settling for playing it safe. I’m not doing that anymore.
The way that I’m living life right now is so much more more in the realm of what I want to create rather than what I think is realistic. This has changed my whole life.
I will never go back to being a struggling coach because I don’t need to. This is only because of what I’ve done with Dan.
I would very highly recommend for you to get on the phone with him if you have an opportunity, he’s going to be a very busy man. Even one session with Dan will change your whole life for ever.
~ Sachin Sharma (Spoon of Consciousness & Superstar Branding Coach) ~
If not now then when?

Life can be very challenging at times. I have found this in both my personal and professional life. Ever since I met Dan, I have overcome all challenges I’ve been facing. He is just an extraordinary human being.
The impact Dan has had on my personal and professional life is enormous.
He has been a huge part of the success of launching our cryptocurrency. Our team have overcome obstacles we couldn’t have overcome without him.
To become a master at any field in life you require a coach, and there’s no other transformational coach like Dan. He is the real deal. I’m sincerely grateful for all the skills, knowledge and insights he has enabled me and the team to gain.
~ Allar Ahtman (CEO of iBuildpro) ~
Now is your chance

Thank you, Dan, so much for the transformational journey you take me through!! You rock my world, you inspire me and guide me!!
I am so grateful to be coached by you.
~ Corina Stratulat (Property Developer & Spacial Designer) ~

Life can be very challenging at times. I have found this in both my personal and professional life. Ever since I met Dan, I have overcome all challenges I’ve been facing. He is just an extraordinary human being.
The impact Dan has had on my personal and professional life is enormous.
He has been a huge part of the success of launching our cryptocurrency. Our team have overcome obstacles we couldn’t have overcome without him.
To become a master at any field in life you require a coach, and there’s no other transformational coach like Dan. He is the real deal. I’m sincerely grateful for all the skills, knowledge and insights he has enabled me and the team to gain.
~ Allar Ahtman (CEO of iBuildpro) ~

I am a momentum coach specializing in fat loss, energy and lifestyle. I’ve just gone through Dan’s 30 Day Entrepreneur Lifestyle Transformation challenge, and all I can say is WOW!
It’s truly been an incredible experience. Before, I was struggling with overwhelm and stress and was working 12 hour days. I wasn’t moving anywhere fast and wasn't as fulfilled as I wanted to be. Through working with Dan, he’s enabled me to get that clarity and those breakthroughs that I needed to become completely certain with where I’m going in my life and now, I’m literally feeling fulfilled and incredible on a daily basis, consistently all the time.
Moving forward, I’m just fully confident with what I’m doing.
If you are looking to work with Dan in any way, to improve your mind set or take your business to the next level I would highly, highly recommend working with him.
~ Joey Romero (Momentum Coach) ~
Over 700 members already, will you join them?

I'm feeling so focused today!! Thanks to you for all your kind words and your guidance. I really feel safe with this process, and I am so looking forward to our next call tomorrow at 10am.
~ Tara Patten (Online business coach) ~

Thank you, Dan, so much for the transformational journey you take me through!! You rock my world, you inspire me and guide me!!
I am so grateful to be coached by you.
~ Corina Stratulat (Property Developer & Spacial Designer) ~

Having completed a three month coaching course with Dan I learned how to ask a better question to get a different answer. I really experienced how to apply this and coming up with solutions to problems was powerful.
For example, what do I need to do to earn a certain amount of money with my trading business? Being aware of the right question, I’ve seen is the key to progress.
The coaching has jump started my trading career and I'm now thinking more like a trader. This has given me a new direction and a new journey to enjoying life.
As a result I have had success in elevating every single area of my life. Thank you for your time, it's been extremely valuable.
~ Avinesh Devedas (Options & Investment Trader) ~
Thanks, Dan. It was an awesome session. You helped me to go back to an emotional event from the past where I made an interpretation from that moment that I was lost and unsafe.
The unwanted impacts from this have been disharmonious relationships, not earning my potential and not creating the opportunities that I am capable of. I invented this, it is not true and I no longer need to be this way.
I am now left feeling powerful, in the present, and awake. And what is possible for me is that I can now fulfil my purpose as "The Warrior of Peace", helping others to self-mastery and giving them access to the realm of extraordinary freedom.
~ Steve Roger Phillips (Author) ~

So it’s official! I’m out of the corporate world at last and two days into being "Fully Expressed, Liberated and Powerful!” Thanks to Dan Waburton for a transformational session on Wednesday!
As a result, I dropped all of my corporate identity lingo in a major meeting today where I was invited in to present my expertise as a coach.
The job is to coach top leaders in the energy industry in Norway who face personal challenges after executing major layoffs. I went miles out of my comfort zone, and it was AWESOME! I simply showed up as ME. Thanks so much, Dan.”
~ Rita Hauesken (Women leadership & strategy coach) ~

Speaking with you has been refreshing. I love your energy and your enthusiasm. You create a very safe and even fun space for your clients, or at least you did so for me. I am feeling grateful.
There are so many wannabe coaches out there but you are a superstar, Dan.
~ Linda Scotti (Leadership Coach at Google) ~

Having worked with Dan over 12 weeks, I would confirm it's expanded my own experience as a coach and became present to new ways of being that now serve me and my clients better. By the end of our program I accomplished virtually everything we committed to.
I would engage with Dan on other sessions and recommend him.
~ Rod Milicevic (CEO at Glass After Care) ~

Don't be the one who gets left behind
I've just completed a 12-week program of coaching with Dan Warburton. Dan's coaching is really focused, goal-oriented and really takes you from A to B. At the same time, he's very able to connect with you on a human basis, there's lots of humor involved, and he's just a really personable guy so I truly recommend him.
My breakthroughs from the program are that I am able to really hone in on my niche market and what I'm really delivering from my passion point and to create a really great structure that enables me to connect with new clients on a regular basis, as well as improving my finances.
So if you looking for anything like that, Dan is definitely the man, and I truly, full-heartedly recommend him.
~ Carmen Vesztergom (Energy Healer & Relationship Coach) ~

Speaking with you has been refreshing. I love your energy and your enthusiasm. You create a very safe and even fun space for your clients, or at least you did so for me. I am feeling grateful.
There are so many wannabe coaches out there but you are a superstar, Dan.
~ Linda Scotti (Leadership Coach at Google) ~
I am celebrating because I have just finalised a three-month course with Dan Warburton and his coaching. It's been transformational for me.
I was coming to a point where I was getting anxiety and feeling really concerned about where I wanted to go. Dan helped me realise that I had to push my business first of all and then, everything else would flow behind it.
I'm now going to be releasing my EP.
I've managed to sign with a label. I'm running my cleaning company. I no longer have two girls which are the people I had when I started with Dan. I now have six girls on the go, and I no longer am cleaning.
I have chronic back pain but that's getting much better as well. My health is really good. I'm feeling so joyful and powerful, and feeling like nothing is going to stop me, and that's all thanks to Dan so I thank Dan very much.
~ Amanda Wray (Director of Little Miss Do It All Cleaners & music producer) ~

Thank Dan, that one session has changed my life. I already feel it, and I feel the potential. Have a fab weekend.
~ Caroline Newton (Business coach and director at Number 78) ~

I was really concerned about my business and cash flow. It seemed like everything was just stuck and not happening.
I had a coaching call with Dan, and we uncovered some really deep unconscious ideas I had around being responsible and saw how this was very much holding me back. After I felt a sense of freedom, I created new meanings which enabled me to generate £10,000 in sales and I had my best month in business to date.
This guy will pull out all the stops to have you get the results you want - Be ready to ride an adventure.
~ Ben Nash (Director at Come Alive Media) ~
Some opportunities don't come twice

I am very happy with the things you've helped me with. The transformation. My attitude. I'm now completely in love with everything. I'm earning more money that I thought I would, it's incredible. In the twelve weeks we've worked together, my life has completely transformed.
~ David Zotes Cambra (Massage Therapist & Healer) ~

My session with Dan was amazing. I do something very unique but its hard to get people to know about it. He got me to step into being excited about my situation regardless of what appeared to be happening.
I've never experienced anyone that exudes such enthusiasm.
Dan left me feeling so hopeful and inspired.
I'd recommend any one apply for one of Dan's initial free sessions.
~ Simon Anderson (Fitness Coach) ~

"Having completed a 12 week course with you, I am now focused, goal-oriented and have a lot more purpose. I now don't shy away from problems or issues. I now have long term goals and strategies which leaves me feeling good. It feels exciting, and achieving these goals doesn't faze me. You've been fantastic. You've changed my life.
~ Richard Russel ~ (Website Designer) ~

I'm feeling so focused today!! Thanks to you for all your kind words and your guidance. I really feel safe with this process, and I am so looking forward to our next call tomorrow at 10am.
~ Tara Patten (Online business coach) ~

Hi, Dan. I just wanted to send you a quick message to say thanks once again for your help in starting the transformation of my life. Over the last few months, I have continued with my personal growth and development and this week, I have signed up to a course to train as a health and wellness transformation coach.
Getting back to the things that I love - health, nutrition and now the mind! I just wanted to let you know that your help and coaching has had a lasting impact.
~ Nerissa Brownlea (Health Coach) ~

I was surviving life until I started being coached by Dan and now, I am a creator of my life. My whole life has changed!
I have created a safe, nurturing space for myself and my son to live in. I have followed my heart and created time and stayed committed to working alongside a musician and we are working on an album plus, and there is more, I am working towards and remaining committed to creating a new business that is going to do everything I love to do.
And I have also started running and have created beautiful drama-free relationships with all people in my life. I have literally gone from surviving to creating. YES!!! THANK YOU, Dan.
~ Gemma (Vocalist & Online Marketing Agent) ~

Thanks, Dan. It was an awesome session. You helped me to go back to an emotional event from the past where I made an interpretation from that moment that I was lost and unsafe.
The unwanted impacts from this have been disharmonious relationships, not earning my potential and not creating the opportunities that I am capable of. I invented this, it is not true and I no longer need to be this way.
I am now left feeling powerful, in the present, and awake. And what is possible for me is that I can now fulfil my purpose as "The Warrior of Peace", helping others to self-mastery and giving them access to the realm of extraordinary freedom.
~ Steve Roger Phillips (Author) ~
Want to work 50% less and dramatically increase your profits?

So it’s official! I’m out of the corporate world at last and two days into being "Fully Expressed, Liberated and Powerful!” Thanks to Dan Waburton for a transformational session on Wednesday!
As a result, I dropped all of my corporate identity lingo in a major meeting today where I was invited in to present my expertise as a coach.
The job is to coach top leaders in the energy industry in Norway who face personal challenges after executing major layoffs. I went miles out of my comfort zone, and it was AWESOME! I simply showed up as ME. Thanks so much, Dan.”
~ Rita Hauesken (Women leadership & strategy coach) ~

Hi, Dan. The experience of being coached by you is that of someone listening to what I have to say with such depth and clarity that I feel completely safe saying anything to you.
You then take that and refuse to see me as anything but huge and capable of doing the most extraordinary things even though I cannot see it myself.
I know I can be stuck at times, yet you never give up on me and then somehow, when I leave you, I find that I am totally lifted out of my negative thoughts about myself and what is possible.
In short, you make the impossible possible and leave me fully empowered to continue my commitments to my life that I am about to give up on.
~ Shobana Patel (Managing Director of Open Minds High Availability Solutions Ltd) ~

Thank Dan, that one session has changed my life. I already feel it, and I feel the potential. Have a fab weekend.
~ Caroline Newton (Business coach and director at Number 78) ~

Hi, Dan. I wanted to tell you that I’m feeling absolutely awesome. I’ve just spoken at the networking event in Maidstone. I’ve got one client from introducing myself before I even spoke. Then after, I was given loads of amazing feedback and it seems I have a second possible client. Surreal experience. It went really well.
I have noticed that when I am working with clients, my insights are much deeper and I feel completely in tune and have a solid surety about my abilities as a practitioner. I am sure this is as a result of the work I have done with you. People are noticing me shining too. Thank you.
~ Elaine Copeland (Kinesiologist and Councillor) ~

I want to say a huge thank you for all your energy, encouragement and passion the last twelve weeks. It has been an amazing experience! I feel so much clearer and confident in myself and my goals and abilities.
Working with you has for sure spring-boarded me into a new way of being which is very exciting!! And it has been wonderful getting to know you personally as a great person. I am very impressed by who you are.
~ Amrita (Yoga Teacher) ~

Before I began coaching with Dan, I was struggling with a set of long held beliefs which were holding me back from getting on with relaunching my life and career after a two-year illness.
Thanks to Dan's insightful yet simple technique for transformation, I saw how the limiting beliefs were created, how to respond differently, and not according to habit. Now, I'm able to notice immediately when I'm triggered, and choose a more valuable way to BE, in response to my circumstances.
This has brought clarity and breakthroughs in my relationship, and freed me to get on with creating a powerful life of choice in my career, rather than blindly staggering from reaction to reaction.
Applying the transformation I’ve learned with Dan, I now feel completely empowered. That alone represents a huge shift.
~ Anthony Goodman (Executive Mediator) ~

I've just completed a 12-week program of coaching with Dan Warburton. Dan's coaching is really focused, goal-oriented and really takes you from A to B. At the same time, he's very able to connect with you on a human basis, there's lots of humor involved, and he's just a really personable guy so I truly recommend him.
My breakthroughs from the program are that I am able to really hone in on my niche market and what I'm really delivering from my passion point and to create a really great structure that enables me to connect with new clients on a regular basis, as well as improving my finances.
So if you looking for anything like that, Dan is definitely the man, and I truly, full-heartedly recommend him.
~ Carmen Vesztergom (Energy Healer & Relationship Coach) ~

Daniel's belief and commitment to personal transformational consultancy is unparalleled in my long business experience. His unstoppable enthusiasm is a powerful force, coaching me through understanding, enabling me to realise how I see myself and how to become what I want to be.
Applying the principles together with his progressive coaching is leading to my new outlook and the new me.
The impact is transforming my social and business success, bringing confidence, achievement and great rewards of contentment.
~ Alan (Managing Director of Pharos Data Ltd) ~

New levels of success await you

Before my one-to-one session with Dan, I was clear about what I wanted to achieve, but it just didn’t seem to be happening. Dan was able to identify that I wasn’t fully committed to my goals.
Through his questioning, I was able to uncover a subconscious script that I had been running my whole life. The revelation was that it was completely made up and untrue. I now feel free and empowered. I’m now able to get on with things without this big roadblock in the way.
~ Pearl (Artist & Illustrator) ~

Before, I was overworked, stressed and not being paid what I was worth.
With coaching from Dan, I learned how to say no to what I didn’t want which gave me the freedom to say yes to what I did want. I stopped playing the role of victim and took on a new positive and assertive view.
I used this to speak to one of my bosses who then created new opportunities for me.
Because of this, my career is progressing rapidly. I have set myself concrete achievable goals and am making great progress. I feel like I am climbing a ladder rather than treading water. I am now earning a lot more money too and my work stress is 90% gone.
~ Jose (Sales Agent at Inkfish) ~

Dan is an excellent coach who helped me during an incredibly challenging time in my life. He helped me to transform my sense of myself and realign with my true goals. When we met, I was overcome with anxiety and stress, I was about to lose my home and had just come out of a toxic relationship.
I was left feeling totally overwhelmed and disempowered. Dan was incredibly non-judgemental, approachable and supportive. His initial coaching session enabled me to reconnect with my true purpose in life and trace my 'ways of being' back to past experiences. I can now see the possibilities that have opened up for myself and my life. I am more focused, have peace of mind and am choosing to be forgiving of myself.
I would recommend Dan to anyone and everyone who wants to create a life that they love.
~ Charlene Davis (Dance Instructor) ~

Dear Dan, just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help! You’ve made such a big difference, and I’m so much happier! I’ve done my first assembly since seeing you, and it went so well!
Thank you so much!
~ Jo Smith (Chestnut Tree House Charity) ~

I now feel like I’m in an empowered place with dating and feel that I’m going to attract someone who is really good for me. With the new routine, I also feel really healthy.
I’m also empowered with money and am now on the way to becoming debt free and begin saving money. The biggest thing is an overall sense of calm. I’ve really enjoying receiving coaching from you and am left feeling very excited about my future.
~ Jaimie (Sister for The Martlets) ~

What could become possible for you?
In late 2020 Dan delivered a deep transformational session at the Purpose Power and Prosperity online event.
Watch this to get a taste of the event and hear feedback from the participants about what they got from Dan's session.

Here is a successful speaker, Dan Warburton who started his speaking career with us at Speakers Are Leaders. So proud of Dan for publishing his book that went to number 7 in Amazon best sellers and for speaking internationally in front of large audiences and empowering thousands of people in the process whilst monetising his passion.
~ Lili Sardinas (Book Writing Coach & Branding Specialist) ~

Hear what event participants have to say about Dan after hearing him speak in July 2019 at Super Power Live in Bangalore.

Dan, it was a great pleasure meeting you. It's not easy to keep an audience on the edge of their seats from 9 am to 7 pm for two days in a row.
I'm looking forward to following what you do.
~ Shukeel A Chohan (Speaker and speaker trainer) ~

I recently met with Dan for a coaching session after Dan was recommended to me. Before this, I had been going round in circles and becoming frustrated by a lack of direction with my career and motivation.
Dan’s coaching style felt incredibly 'natural', a bit like talking to a trusted close friend who was genuinely interested in 'why' and not just 'what’. Dan’s coaching also gave me the freedom to dream and not feel restricted by events and behaviours from the past.
Since meeting with Dan, I now have clear visibility of my options and clarity on what I want to achieve. I now have my drive and enthusiasm back, enabling me to become self-motivated and pursue my dream career and lifestyle.
Within a few weeks after this session with Dan, I'm doing what I’ve always truly wanted - car detailing - and I already have some clients. I’m standing in front of a whole new future of doing what I love. I would recommend Dan to anyone like myself who feels they are on the brink of success but seeking just the right guidance.
~ Dave Parkes (Car Detailing) ~

Dan, you are the inspiration. It was seeing who you are and how you are that got me to use your services. Your energy, expression, words, attitude, reflection, guide, encouragement and lots more that has got me to be where I am.
The 6 months that I spent with you coaching me was the injection I needed to finally start being myself.
I had gone all through my life in different circumstances but now, I am more confident, I am more powerful, I am more expressive and I feel valued. I am also comfortably being me like I have never been before, and I am more satisfied in the way I do my business than I've ever been before.
~ Tinu David (Mindset Coach) ~

Dan, you are the inspiration. It was seeing who you are and how you are that got me to use your services. Your energy, expression, words, attitude, reflection, guide, encouragement and lots more that has got me to be where I am.
The 6 months that I spent with you coaching me was the injection I needed to finally start being myself.
I had gone all through my life in different circumstances but now, I am more confident, I am more powerful, I am more expressive and I feel valued. I am also comfortably being me like I have never been before, and I am more satisfied in the way I do my business than I've ever been before.
~ Tinu David (Mindset Coach) ~

Can you see a time that works for you?

Thank you, Dan, for doing an outstanding Job as an MC Host and adding so much value to the event as a transformational coach & collaborator. Next event will be happening on 16 & 17 June 2018. I hope that you are available to be the host for us again.
~ Dario Cucci (Entrepreneur & Sales Trainer) ~

Have to say this though, Dan, you are a serious transformation man, a high impact coach. I saw your clients on stage move in front of you. Proof!!!
~ Billal Jamil (International Speaker and Speaker Trainer) ~

The feedback we received following the networking hub presented by Dan Warburton was amazing. Every person we spoke to after the event used the same word, inspiring!
~ Amanda Jones (Basepoint Centres Ltd) ~

Huge thanks for speaking at Brighton Property Investors last night. I had some great feedback about your presentation, both content and style, and it's rare to see someone hold the audience without the aid of slides and pictures. I thought you achieved this effortlessly.
~ Peter Fannon (PIN property events organiser) ~

I can certainly recommend Dan as a guest speaker. He's presented at many 4Networking meetings in Sussex.
~ Chris Lodge (Solicitor & Director of Grey Hooper Holt) ~

I just wanted to let you know that my coaching business has totally taken off!!
I got another 6 session Miracle Coach sign up today!
I now have 4 people in paid Miracle coaching courses! One 18 session, one 12 session, one 6 session and one 4 session. I'm loving it!!
Thank you so much!!
~ Liz Davies (Life Coach) ~

I’ve nearly completed a one on one coaching program with Dan and it's been life changing for me.
I have attended so many different personal development and business courses yet it was Dan who quickly navigated me through becoming ever more aware of the root cause of my limitations and then to completely vanish them. I’m left feeling so free now.
The greatest result I got was finally trusting myself to take the leap of faith to start my own coaching practice and I’m now starting to support and empower women in the corporate world.
It’s only because of Dan’s coaching that I’ve now been able to fully commit to creating my dream lifestyle as an empowerment coach for women.
Dan believed in me and always pointed out to me what he saw was great in me, this has empowered me very much. As I work with Dan he is always there to support me whenever I need him yet he never violates his own boundaries which is another thing I also learned to do.
What I'm looking forward to now is to grow my coaching business and to serve my clients the way Dan served me. In fact I’ve chosen to commit to another one on one program with Dan because I know that with his guidance that I’ll create even more amazing results.
All I can say about Dan’s coaching is it's very customised and in flow with whatever your needs are. You will feel he has a good heart, he’s very experienced, professional, authentic and skilfully on point every time.
~ Mina Golkar (Relationship Coach for Women in the Corporate Sector) ~

I've just completed a coaching program with Dan and it's been fantastic.
He gave me the support and guidance I needed to propel me in the direction I always really wanted to go in.
Before Dan's coaching I was doubting my skills and my abilities which caused me to be stuck in an employment position I didn’t want. I was lacking the courage to take the leap of faith to follow my dream which was to open my own high profile restaurant.
Through receiving Dan’s transformational coaching he enabled me to see the ways of thinking that limited me, to recall memories of where these feelings first came from, then to literally break free of this old way of thinking. It’s left me feeling incredibly free and inspired ever since.
From there I’ve been able to take actions I never imagined I ever could.
As a result I've managed to restructure my usual work commitments so now I work less hours and am able to focus on what I really want to do. I’ve now also completed my business plan and am ready to pitch to investors to gain the capital I need to open my first restaurant and make my dream come to life.
Not only this but I’ve got a new fitness routine and my health is now also so much better. I’ve also left social circles that where draining me, I’ve made new friends and become even closer to my family.
All I can say about Dan is that what he does is fabulous and that I only have these amazing results because of receiving Dans coaching.”
~ Lolita P George (Founder and Director of Lolita’s Restaurant) ~

With Dan's coaching I discovered that I was holding back from my dreams and that I was driven by fear of failure. This was very clear, deep and confronting.
Now what is possible for me is, I can see what my ‘negative core beliefs’ were keeping me in the past. Now I'm left feeling excited and ready for this year. I know I have the capabilities and the only limitation, is me.
I feel free of my past, ready to kick of the old boots for some shiny new ones.
Thanks Dan, your insight has been very helpful and I highly recommend your service to others.
~ Laura Mann (Recruitment Agency Director) ~

Hi, Dan. The experience of being coached by you is that of someone listening to what I have to say with such depth and clarity that I feel completely safe saying anything to you.
You then take that and refuse to see me as anything but huge and capable of doing the most extraordinary things even though I cannot see it myself.
I know I can be stuck at times, yet you never give up on me and then somehow, when I leave you, I find that I am totally lifted out of my negative thoughts about myself and what is possible.
In short, you make the impossible possible and leave me fully empowered to continue my commitments to my life that I am about to give up on.
~ Shobana Patel (Managing Director of Open Minds High Availability Solutions Ltd) ~
I have just completed a 12 week transformational coaching course with Dan and it’s been truly transformational for me.
Twelve weeks ago I was struggling and didn’t have a work and life balance.
Now, I’ve gained a whole series of insights which have left me enjoying great satisfaction in both my work performance and in my lifestyle.
Before I was very critical of my self and others which made me very difficult to work with but now I’ve learned to be gentle on my self and with others.
Also I’ve now learned to effectively listen to others and the staff I manage.
As a result my leadership skills are much greater and have been able to effectively inspire my teams in to taking actions that have elevated my companies performance in various departments around the world.
I’ve also begun earning money by forex trading which is something I’d procrastinated from starting for over a year.
I’ve also begun developing my online website and writing my blog which is something I aimed to have started within two years yet I’ve realised that I’ve already fulfilled this within just these twelve weeks.
As a result, I highly recommend other business focused people work with Dan to experience what I have because my life has really transformed.
I am now living a truly satisfying lifestyle while also enjoying greater financial and leadership success.
~ Nicky (Success Resources International Marketing Manager and CEO assistant) ~

Before I began coaching with Dan, I was struggling with a set of long held beliefs which were holding me back from getting on with relaunching my life and career after a two-year illness.
Thanks to Dan's insightful yet simple technique for transformation, I saw how the limiting beliefs were created, how to respond differently, and not according to habit. Now, I'm able to notice immediately when I'm triggered, and choose a more valuable way to BE, in response to my circumstances.
This has brought clarity and breakthroughs in my relationship, and freed me to get on with creating a powerful life of choice in my career, rather than blindly staggering from reaction to reaction.
Applying the transformation I’ve learned with Dan, I now feel completely empowered. That alone represents a huge shift.
~ Anthony Goodman (Executive Mediator) ~
I am here to tell you that Dan Warburton is a transformational coach. Working with him for the past six months has propelled me to the next level.
Before I had loads of skills, loads of talent, loads of ambition and enthusiasms but I was stuck. I was stuck at home as a single mom raising children on my own, and I didn't know what to do next.
Then from Dan's expert transformational coaching, I then became the sound engineer for Ultimate Entrepreneur event which was just over a month ago.
Now, I am the event manager for the next Ultimate Entrepreneur event, and I am now at the Cumberland Hotel as the sound engineer for Douglas Vermeeren. All I can say is WOW!
To think that just six months ago, I was so stuck to where I am now! If you are feeling stuck in your business or don't know where to go next, Dan Warburton can certainly get you to the next level."
~ Zoe Hart (Sound Engineer for High Profile Speaker Events) ~
Dan is not only intuitive, skilled and very experienced, he honours and is respectful of his client's truth.
He is a coach with great heart and with lots of integrity. It is such a privilege to have worked with him.
I thank you Dan in holding a validating space for me. I am truly truly grateful.”
~ Phei Phei Oon (Drama Arts & Dance Therapist) ~
I met my coach, Dan Warburton, in London eight months ago, and he got me really interested in transformational coaching because at that time in my life, I really needed help to develop my business.
In our first coaching session he enabled me to discover my dream which was almost hidden from me, it's something that I’d been thinking about for years - to create a lifestyle clothing brand for people who care about the environment.
Within one and a half months of my first coaching session with Dan, I had found my clothing designer and my tailor. By November, I had made my first prototypes of very special yoga pants only using organic materials. By December, I had the whole collection made and now, by February, I have sold my first 16 pairs.
We have just recently finished our coaching sessions but I have decided to continue to work with Dan because I have already done so much in just six months.”
~ Vigyana (Director of Yoganica Yoga clothing) ~
I wanted to start my own coaching practice for a long time but I felt stuck and I had no idea what I should be doing hence I kept procrastinating and never getting round to doing what I needed to do.
Dan help me uncover the things that have been holding me back. And I learnt how to move in to a new and unlimited me.
Now I have gone on to take new steps to achieving my new and fulfilling life of impacting more and more people. Thank you Dan. You are awesome.
~ Reihana Abdullah (Intervention Coach) ~

Having completed a three month coaching course with Dan I learned how to ask a better question to get a different answer. I really experienced how to apply this and coming up with solutions to problems was powerful.
For example, what do I need to do to earn a certain amount of money with my trading business? Being aware of the right question, I’ve seen is the key to progress.
The coaching has jump started my trading career and I'm now thinking more like a trader. This has given me a new direction and a new journey to enjoying life.
As a result I have had success in elevating every single area of my life. Thank you for your time, it's been extremely valuable.
~ Avinesh Devedas (Options & Investment Trader) ~
I have just finished a 30-day transformational program with Dan. It's absolutely fantastic. I can not, honestly, describe it in words . . . It's so inspiring, helpful. It's amazing.
I've changed so much I can't even recognize myself. I've tried other things before in the past. It hasn't worked for me because I had so much self-doubt, and that was the key point of what I was doing. I didn't feel I was good enough. Not just for business but in my personal life, family, friends, everything.
During the course, it's absolutely amazing! The thirty days is absolutely worth it. There were a lot of breakthroughs that I've gone through - job wise, personal matters, financial matters - all has totally changed.
Now the way forwards, I can absolutely say I'm unstoppable, I'm confident, I'm Phil Carew, I'm a motivational speaker and also a confident mindset coach. Thanks to Mr. Dan Warburton for helping me with his thirty day transformational program.
I would definitely refer you to all my friends and people that would need your help with your thirty day program.
WOOHOHOOOO . . . 2018, here I come !
~ Phil Carew (Speaker & Confidence Mindset Coach) ~

Before I received coaching with Dan, I had given up on a career I'd have loved to have fulfilled. I had a lack of clarity on what I wanted or how I'd get there.
Receiving Dan's coaching was challenging while inspiring. The greatest breakthrough I had was a better understanding of my drivers and fears.
As a result, I have complete clarity on who I am and where I want to be as well as complete confidence that I can complete this.
I'm now left playing bigger than I have ever played before, and I love it.
~ Fiona Monson (Financial Mediator) ~

Congratulations on your extraordinary work.
~ Steve Hardison (World Famous Coach) ~

Before I began coaching with Dan, I was struggling with a set of long held beliefs which were holding me back from getting on with relaunching my life and career after a two-year illness.
Thanks to Dan's insightful yet simple technique for transformation, I saw how the limiting beliefs were created, how to respond differently, and not according to habit. Now, I'm able to notice immediately when I'm triggered, and choose a more valuable way to BE, in response to my circumstances.
This has brought clarity and breakthroughs in my relationship, and freed me to get on with creating a powerful life of choice in my career, rather than blindly staggering from reaction to reaction.
Applying the transformation I’ve learned with Dan, I now feel completely empowered. That alone represents a huge shift.
~ Anthony Goodman (Executive Mediator) ~

It's been a privilege watching you grow and fly, Dan!
~ Rich Litvin (Renowned Coach & Author of The Prosperous Coach) ~

Dan is great transformational coach, and he is already transforming my life in just one short coaching session. I am left really inspired by his skill and can see he is going to transform so many people as he has with me.
The biggest result I got from Dan's coaching was learning how to become my empowered self and uncovering who I am truly am which is powerful, unstoppable, fearless and free.
~ Thakur Sharma (Investor & Entrepreneur) ~

Before I received coaching with Dan, I had given up on a career I'd have loved to have fulfilled. I had a lack of clarity on what I wanted or how I'd get there.
Receiving Dan's coaching was challenging while inspiring. The greatest breakthrough I had was a better understanding of my drivers and fears.
As a result, I have complete clarity on who I am and where I want to be as well as complete confidence that I can complete this.
I'm now left playing bigger than I have ever played before, and I love it.
~ Fiona Monson (Financial Mediator) ~

Congratulations on your extraordinary work.
~ Steve Hardison (World Famous Coach) ~

It's been a privilege watching you grow and fly, Dan!
~ Rich Litvin (Renowned Coach & Author of The Prosperous Coach) ~

Dan is great transformational coach, and he is already transforming my life in just one short coaching session. I am left really inspired by his skill and can see he is going to transform so many people as he has with me.
The biggest result I got from Dan's coaching was learning how to become my empowered self and uncovering who I am truly am which is powerful, unstoppable, fearless and free.
~ Thakur Sharma (Investor & Entrepreneur) ~

Having worked with Dan over 12 weeks, I would confirm it's expanded my own experience as a coach and became present to new ways of being that now serve me and my clients better. By the end of our program I accomplished virtually everything we committed to.
I would engage with Dan on other sessions and recommend him.
~ Rod Milicevic (CEO at Glass After Care) ~
I am celebrating because I have just finalised a three-month course with Dan Warburton and his coaching. It's been transformational for me.
I was coming to a point where I was getting anxiety and feeling really concerned about where I wanted to go. Dan helped me realise that I had to push my business first of all and then, everything else would flow behind it.
I'm now going to be releasing my EP.
I've managed to sign with a label. I'm running my cleaning company. I no longer have two girls which are the people I had when I started with Dan. I now have six girls on the go, and I no longer am cleaning.
I have chronic back pain but that's getting much better as well. My health is really good. I'm feeling so joyful and powerful, and feeling like nothing is going to stop me, and that's all thanks to Dan so I thank Dan very much.
~ Amanda Wray (Director of Little Miss Do It All Cleaners & music producer) ~
I was really concerned about my business and cash flow. It seemed like everything was just stuck and not happening.
I had a coaching call with Dan, and we uncovered some really deep unconscious ideas I had around being responsible and saw how this was very much holding me back. After I felt a sense of freedom, I created new meanings which enabled me to generate £10,000 in sales and I had my best month in business to date.
This guy will pull out all the stops to have you get the results you want - Be ready to ride an adventure.
~ Ben Nash (Director at Come Alive Media) ~
My session with Dan was amazing. I do something very unique but its hard to get people to know about it. He got me to step into being excited about my situation regardless of what appeared to be happening.
I've never experienced anyone that exudes such enthusiasm.
Dan left me feeling so hopeful and inspired.
I'd recommend any one apply for one of Dan's initial free sessions.
~ Simon Anderson (Fitness Coach) ~

I am very happy with the things you've helped me with. The transformation. My attitude. I'm now completely in love with everything. I'm earning more money that I thought I would, it's incredible. In the twelve weeks we've worked together, my life has completely transformed.
~ David Zotes Cambra (Massage Therapist & Healer) ~

Here is a successful speaker, Dan Warburton who started his speaking career with us at Speakers Are Leaders. So proud of Dan for publishing his book that went to number 7 in Amazon best sellers and for speaking internationally in front of large audiences and empowering thousands of people in the process whilst monetising his passion.
~ Lili Sardinas (Book Writing Coach & Branding Specialist) ~

"Having completed a 12 week course with you, I am now focused, goal-oriented and have a lot more purpose. I now don't shy away from problems or issues. I now have long term goals and strategies which leaves me feeling good. It feels exciting, and achieving these goals doesn't faze me. You've been fantastic. You've changed my life.
~ Richard Russel ~ (Website Designer) ~

Hi, Dan. I just wanted to send you a quick message to say thanks once again for your help in starting the transformation of my life. Over the last few months, I have continued with my personal growth and development and this week, I have signed up to a course to train as a health and wellness transformation coach.
Getting back to the things that I love - health, nutrition and now the mind! I just wanted to let you know that your help and coaching has had a lasting impact.
~ Nerissa Brownlea (Health Coach) ~

Dan, it was a great pleasure meeting you. It's not easy to keep an audience on the edge of their seats from 9 am to 7 pm for two days in a row.
I'm looking forward to following what you do.
~ Shukeel A Chohan (Speaker and speaker trainer) ~

I was surviving life until I started being coached by Dan and now, I am a creator of my life. My whole life has changed!
I have created a safe, nurturing space for myself and my son to live in. I have followed my heart and created time and stayed committed to working alongside a musician and we are working on an album plus, and there is more, I am working towards and remaining committed to creating a new business that is going to do everything I love to do.
And I have also started running and have created beautiful drama-free relationships with all people in my life. I have literally gone from surviving to creating. YES!!! THANK YOU, Dan.
~ Gemma (Vocalist & Online Marketing Agent) ~

Hi, Dan. I wanted to tell you that I’m feeling absolutely awesome. I’ve just spoken at the networking event in Maidstone. I’ve got one client from introducing myself before I even spoke. Then after, I was given loads of amazing feedback and it seems I have a second possible client. Surreal experience. It went really well.
I have noticed that when I am working with clients, my insights are much deeper and I feel completely in tune and have a solid surety about my abilities as a practitioner. I am sure this is as a result of the work I have done with you. People are noticing me shining too. Thank you.
~ Elaine Copeland (Kinesiologist and Councillor) ~

I want to say a huge thank you for all your energy, encouragement and passion the last twelve weeks. It has been an amazing experience! I feel so much clearer and confident in myself and my goals and abilities.
Working with you has for sure spring-boarded me into a new way of being which is very exciting!! And it has been wonderful getting to know you personally as a great person. I am very impressed by who you are.
~ Amrita (Yoga Teacher) ~

Daniel's belief and commitment to personal transformational consultancy is unparalleled in my long business experience. His unstoppable enthusiasm is a powerful force, coaching me through understanding, enabling me to realise how I see myself and how to become what I want to be.
Applying the principles together with his progressive coaching is leading to my new outlook and the new me.
The impact is transforming my social and business success, bringing confidence, achievement and great rewards of contentment.
~ Alan (Managing Director of Pharos Data Ltd) ~

Thank you, Dan, for doing an outstanding Job as an MC Host and adding so much value to the event as a transformational coach & collaborator. Next event will be happening on 16 & 17 June 2018. I hope that you are available to be the host for us again.
~ Dario Cucci (Entrepreneur & Sales Trainer) ~

Before, I was overworked, stressed and not being paid what I was worth.
With coaching from Dan, I learned how to say no to what I didn’t want which gave me the freedom to say yes to what I did want. I stopped playing the role of victim and took on a new positive and assertive view.
I used this to speak to one of my bosses who then created new opportunities for me.
Because of this, my career is progressing rapidly. I have set myself concrete achievable goals and am making great progress. I feel like I am climbing a ladder rather than treading water. I am now earning a lot more money too and my work stress is 90% gone.
~ Jose (Sales Agent at Inkfish) ~

Dan is an excellent coach who helped me during an incredibly challenging time in my life. He helped me to transform my sense of myself and realign with my true goals. When we met, I was overcome with anxiety and stress, I was about to lose my home and had just come out of a toxic relationship.
I was left feeling totally overwhelmed and disempowered. Dan was incredibly non-judgemental, approachable and supportive. His initial coaching session enabled me to reconnect with my true purpose in life and trace my 'ways of being' back to past experiences. I can now see the possibilities that have opened up for myself and my life. I am more focused, have peace of mind and am choosing to be forgiving of myself.
I would recommend Dan to anyone and everyone who wants to create a life that they love.
~ Charlene Davis (Dance Instructor) ~
Hi, my name is Harry Sardinas and I am the founder of speakers are leaders, millionaire speakers network, top international coach and founder of entrepreneurs are leaders.
And I really want to recommend Dan to speak at your event.
He’s a great speaker, his presentations are amazing, very engaging, the audience love every single word that he says, there is a lot of knowledge, a lot of content and he’s one of the best transformational coach in the planet today.
And he’s also excellent at closing sales from the stage. The closing rates of Dan are between 10% to 30% and he has achieved this result when he has spoken at our events in Singapore and London.
So I really recommend Dan to speak at your event.
~ Harry Sardinas (Speaker Coach) ~

I now feel like I’m in an empowered place with dating and feel that I’m going to attract someone who is really good for me. With the new routine, I also feel really healthy.
I’m also empowered with money and am now on the way to becoming debt free and begin saving money. The biggest thing is an overall sense of calm. I’ve really enjoying receiving coaching from you and am left feeling very excited about my future.
~ Jaimie (Sister for The Martlets) ~

Dear Dan, just wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help! You’ve made such a big difference, and I’m so much happier! I’ve done my first assembly since seeing you, and it went so well!
Thank you so much!
~ Jo Smith (Chestnut Tree House Charity) ~

I recently met with Dan for a coaching session after Dan was recommended to me. Before this, I had been going round in circles and becoming frustrated by a lack of direction with my career and motivation.
Dan’s coaching style felt incredibly 'natural', a bit like talking to a trusted close friend who was genuinely interested in 'why' and not just 'what’. Dan’s coaching also gave me the freedom to dream and not feel restricted by events and behaviours from the past.
Since meeting with Dan, I now have clear visibility of my options and clarity on what I want to achieve. I now have my drive and enthusiasm back, enabling me to become self-motivated and pursue my dream career and lifestyle.
Within a few weeks after this session with Dan, I'm doing what I’ve always truly wanted - car detailing - and I already have some clients. I’m standing in front of a whole new future of doing what I love. I would recommend Dan to anyone like myself who feels they are on the brink of success but seeking just the right guidance.
~ Dave Parkes (Car Detailing) ~

Have to say this though, Dan, you are a serious transformation man, a high impact coach. I saw your clients on stage move in front of you. Proof!!!
~ Billal Jamil (International Speaker and Speaker Trainer) ~

Huge thanks for speaking at Brighton Property Investors last night. I had some great feedback about your presentation, both content and style, and it's rare to see someone hold the audience without the aid of slides and pictures. I thought you achieved this effortlessly.
~ Peter Fannon (PIN property events organiser) ~

I can certainly recommend Dan as a guest speaker. He's presented at many 4Networking meetings in Sussex.
~ Chris Lodge (Solicitor & Director of Grey Hooper Holt) ~

The feedback we received following the networking hub presented by Dan Warburton was amazing. Every person we spoke to after the event used the same word, inspiring!
~ Amanda Jones (Basepoint Centres Ltd) ~

“I completed a one-to-one coaching programme with Dan and the greatest result I got was setting goals with the belief that I could actually attain them, instead of just ‘hoping’.
Because of this I gained positive results such as the chance to work with some of the world's most valuable intellectual property, top on screen talent as well as members of the Royal Family.
Dan as a coach is an expert in drawing out what you need to change and understand about your life and career - he doesn’t tell you what to do, he guides you to create goals that feel 100% your own and structures to tangibly realise them.
Dan is great at leaving you feeling empowered and taking action that achieves truly amazing things.
~ Stef Jarman (Brighton, UK) ~